Results for 'Carmen Lucia Bezerra Machado'

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  1. Trabalho e educação : fetichismo (o visível e o invisível).Carmen Lucia Bezerra Machado - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi, Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    Reflexiones Sobre Las Narrativas Difundidas Por la Extrema Derecha Contemporánea Desde Hannah Arendt.Carmen Lúcia Costa Brotas - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7071.
    The informational disorder that permeated recent events such as the Brazilian and American elections, the pandemic crisis and the refutation of climate issues highlighted by several scientists highlights a complex phenomenon that presents itself with transnational characteristics, as it is experienced in societies on all continents. Therefore, this scenario has led social and international actors to reflect on this informational environment, seeking to understand its causes and characteristics and point out measures that can mitigate the harmful effects they are capable (...)
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    Provocar O estranhamento não obstante O risco de soçobrar: Opção para O ensino de filosofia na licenciatura de educação física.Carmen Lúcia Fornari Diez & Ricardo Marinelli Martins - 2003 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 15 (17):79.
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    Análisis de riesgo en proyectos de inversion un caso de estudio.Carmén Lucía Bazzani Correa, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Análisis del subempleo en el municipio de Pereira tercer trimestre de 2004.Carmén Lucía Bazzani Correa, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  6. Mediação Educativa e Alteridade // Education and Otherness mediation.Carmen Lucia Fornari Diez & Dalla Costa - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (1):182-199.
    Normal 0 false false false PT-BR JA X-NONE Este ensaio é constituído por reflexões a respeito de alteridade na educação, defendendo a necessidade de olhar o Outro como fonte de aprendizagem, visando o desenvolvimento de relações dialógicas e alteritárias. De início, analisa-se a construção da subjetividade moderna cuja centralidade é o sujeito autônomo e racional que pensa e define as relações a partir de princípios pretensamente universais, os quais muitas vezes procuram assimilar o Outro em si mesmo. A sustentação teórica (...)
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  7. A Filosofia no Ensino Básico: Diagnóstico e Perspectivas nas escolas urbanas de Teresina.Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho & Carmen Lúcia de Oliveira Cabral - 2012 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 2 (4):91-113.
    O texto apresenta um mapeamento exploratório inicial da realidade do ensino de filosofia no ensino fundamental e médio na rede de ensino público e privado de Teresina/PI, realizado no ano de 2000, objetivando disponibilizar dados para a organização dessa área de saber como o campo de atuação dos profissionais de filosofia e servir de subsídios à projeção das atividades da universidade na formação desses profissionais e na formulação de políticas de atuação do Departamento de Filosofia/UFPI junto ao ensino básico. O (...)
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  8. Um Outro Olhar sobre o Olhar que Olha-Lógicas de Ação no Cotidiano Escolar.Mairce da Silva Araújo & Carmen Lúcia Vidal Pérez - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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    Factors Associated With Mental Suffering in the Brazilian Population: A Multilevel Analysis.Héllyda de Souza Bezerra, Roberta Machado Alves, Talita Araujo de Souza, Arthur de Almeida Medeiros & Isabelle Ribeiro Barbosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Purpose: To analyze how individual characteristics and the social context are associated with mental distress symptoms in the Brazilian population.Method: A multilevel cross-sectional study with data from the 2013 National Health Survey. There were two dependent variables: decreased vital energy and somatic symptoms, the presence of depressive thoughts. The independent variables were biological characteristics, education and income, habits and lifestyle, and context variables. Bivariate analysis was performed, and Prevalence Ratios calculated in a Poisson Regression. A multilevel Poisson Regression was performed (...)
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    A ironia como estratégia comunicativa e argumentativa.Ida Lucia Machado - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):108-128.
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    Língua, texto, sujeito e discurso.Ida Lucia Machado - 2014 - Bakhtiniana 9 (1):168-174.
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    Media representation of mutual aid practices: Superbergamo as ‘good news’.Laura Lucia Parolin & Carmen Pellegrinelli - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (1):112-129.
    During the pandemic, civil society organisations adjusted their purpose to provide support to the most vulnerable. In the midst of the first wave, Superbergamo, an initiative that grew out of local activist associations, provided groceries and medicine to the elderly, the infirm and at-risk groups during the lockdown in Bergamo, Italy. This research analyses a newspaper article from Corriere della Sera published almost two years after the event, which tells the story of Stefano ‘Kino’, one of the volunteers of Superbergamo. (...)
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    Financial Independence and Academic Achievement: Are There Key Factors of Transition to Adulthood for Young Higher Education Students in Colombia?Mónica-Patricia Borjas, Carmen Ricardo, Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios, Jorge Valencia & Jose Aparicio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:534827.
    Autonomy is conceptualized as the need for agency, self-actualization and independence. Nowadays, financial independence and academic achievement for young populations may be considered as key aspects in the transition to adulthood in response to some contextual demands of different cultural environments. By means of a multi-level model, the present study aims to determine the influence and contribution of factors at individual-level (e.g. sex, age, socioeconomic status, family financial support, awarded scholarships, personal finance, student loans) and school-level (e.g. programme quality, online (...)
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    Percepção, identificação e comportamento dos professores da ULBRA/Canoas frente ao uso de drogas na universidade; The ULBRA professors perception of drug abuse at the university.Adria Daniel, Carmen Freitas, José Vicente Lima Robaina, Lauraci Dondé da Silva, Loreci Menna Barreto & Lúcia Zelinda Zanella Felizardo - 2001 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 13:53-61.
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    Nuevas tecnologías e identidad humana: presente y futuro.Lucía del Carmen García Palma - 2017 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 9 (1):189-195.
    Este trabajo quedo en tercer lugar durante la IV Olimpiada de filosofía que organiza FICUM en la modalidad de secundaria y bachillerato para promocionar la filosofía entre los jóvenes.
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  16. Bioethical principles and vulnerability regarding induced abortion in adolescence.José Humberto Belmino Chaves, Leo Pessini, Antonio Fernando de Sousa Bezerra, Vera Lucia Gama de Mendonca & Guilhermina Rego - 2011 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 21 (5):180-180.
    In Brazil, induced abortion in adolescents has been frequent in less-advantaged socioeconomic classes, and the vulnerability of these adolescents has not been addressed. Given this context, the present study sought to investigate the relationship between the practice of abortion and vulnerability in adolescents. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study of 201 adolescents who completed a structured questionnaire that allowed the analysis of variables with respect to intent to abort. The profile of the pregnant adolescents in the sample studied was the (...)
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    Validation of the Spanish Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire through Rasch Analysis.Angélica Garzón Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente Arias, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Lucía Zapata Sevillano, Mari Carmen Pichardo & Ana Belén García-Berbén - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A função transgressiva dos múltiplos sujeitos nos gêneros discursivos/The transgressive function of multiple subjects in speech genres.João Marcos Cardoso de Sousa & Ida Lucia Machado - forthcoming - Bakhtiniana.
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  19. Editorial 5 ESTUDOS.João dos Reis Silva Júnior, Jorge Lufs Cammarano González, Celso Carvalho, Erivanio da Silva Carvalho, Wilson Sandano, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida & Vera Lúcia de Carvalho Machado - 2001 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos de Educaç̧ão 3:3.
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    A função transgressiva dos múltiplos sujeitos nos gêneros discursivos.João Marcos Cardoso de Sousa & Ida Lucia Machado - 2011 - Bakhtiniana 6 (1):111-128.
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    Sleep fragmentation and lucid dreaming.Jarrod Gott, Michael Rak, Leonore Bovy, Emma Peters, Carmen F. M. van Hooijdonk, Anastasia Mangiaruga, Rathiga Varatheeswaran, Mahmoud Chaabou, Luke Gorman, Steven Wilson, Frederik Weber, Lucia Talamini, Axel Steiger & Martin Dresler - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:102988.
  22. La narrativa de Carmen Kurtz: compromiso y denuncia de la condición social de la mujer española de posguerra.Lucía Montejo Gurruchaga - 2006 - Arbor 182 (719):407-415.
    La incorporación de la mujer a la narrativa, que se produce al término de la Guerra Civil, se circunscribe al subgénero rosa, aunque pronto aparecerán las primeras novelas de un nutrido número de autoras que plantearán otras propuestas. Desde los inicios de la década de los cincuenta irán paulatinamente creando una novela realista que, aunque de forma encubierta, mostrará la realidad sometida de las mujeres en la España franquista. Carmen Kurtz emprenderá su labor narrativa en esta línea y su (...)
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    On the habitat use of the Neotropical whip spider Charinus asturius (Arachnida: Amblypygi).Lucia C. Neco - 2018 - Zoologia 1 (35):1-6.
    The non-random occupation of habitats is termed habitat selection. Some species of whip spiders select trees with burrows at their base, while others use substrates such as rocks. Here, we investigated the habitat use by Charinus asturius Pinto-da-Rocha, Machado & Weygoldt, 2002, an endemic species of Ilhabela Island in Brazil. We found that C. asturius is more likely to be found under rocks that cover larger areas of substrate. Our results also suggest the existence of territorialism in C. asturius (...)
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    Celles par qui les métissages arrivent.Carmen Bernand - 2008 - Clio 27:101-113.
    Les statuts hybrides sont en premier lieu ceux des métis, écartelés entre deux loyautés et deux appartenances. Ce texte porte plutôt sur « celles par qui les métissages arrivent », ces mères de métis, généralement indiennes, qui donnent à leurs enfants la langue maternelle et les enracinent dans le sol américain : deux atouts essentiels, mais qui sont disqualifiés par les discours que tiennent Espagnols et Indiens, en vertu de leur sensualité et de leurs vices supposés. Etres ambivalents par excellence, (...)
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    In defence of not-knowing: uncertainty and contemporary narratives of sexual violence.Samantha Wallace - 2021 - Feminist Theory 22 (4):536-555.
    This article models a critical method of engaging with not-knowing as it relates to discourses around sexual agency and sexual violation through an analysis of Carmen Maria Machado’s short story ‘The Husband Stitch’. I argue that sexual and gender-based violation not only enforces harmful forms of uncertainty among the women of the story. It also forecloses the potentially productive capacities of modes of not-knowing. In doing so, I respond to assertions from feminist scholars as varied Linda Martín Alcoff, (...)
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  26. (Re)conceptualizing the genesis of a “we is greater than me” psychological orientation: Sartre meets Tomasello.Lucia Angelino - 2022 - Journal of Social Ontology 8 (1):68–93.
    Drawing on many areas of expertise, from paleontology to psychology, Tomasello offers a plausible, evolutionary story abouthow our ancestors are likely to have developed cooperative behaviors and collaborative lifeways in order to survive and thrive.He also claims that this narrative explains why they would have begun to think in characteristically cooperative and moral ways,developing a “we is greater than me” [we>me] psychological orientation. Do the arguments offered support this extra claim? Thisarticle suggests that they do not. It seeks to alleviate (...)
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    Emerging sociotechnical imaginaries for gene edited crops for foods in the United States: implications for governance.Carmen Bain, Sonja Lindberg & Theresa Selfa - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (2):265-279.
    Gene editing techniques, such as CRISPR, are being heralded as powerful new tools for delivering agricultural products and foods with a variety of beneficial traits quickly, easily, and cheaply. Proponents are concerned, however, about whether the public will accept the new technology and that excessive regulatory oversight could limit the technology’s potential. In this paper, we draw on the sociotechnical imaginaries literature to examine how proponents are imagining the potential benefits and risks of gene editing technologies within agriculture. We derive (...)
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    Myth, Modernity, and the Legacy of the Axial Age: Taylor, Habermas, Assmann, and Jaspers.Carmen Lea Dege - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (4):743-773.
    This article analyzes the legacy of the idea of an Axial Age with a particular focus on Habermas, Taylor, Assmann, and Jaspers. I ask what has motivated the use of the concept and illustrate the ways in which it is situated in the twentieth-century debate on myth. I then respond to the limitations of the concept’s legacy and turn to two overlooked elements of Jaspers’s initial intervention: In contrast to the dominant discourse, he argued that myth changed its form and (...)
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  29. The inefficacy objection and new ethical veganism.Lucia Schwarz - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Social cues to joint actions: the role of shared goals.Lucia M. Sacheli, Salvatore M. Aglioti & Matteo Candidi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  31. An Organic System Open to an Intelligible Reality: The Concept of Method in Antonio Rosmini.Lucia Bissoli - 2024 - Religions 15 (5):535.
    Oftentimes, reality seems to us a chaos that we try to control with our theories. This article starts from the antithetic standpoint, inspired by Antonio Rosmini’s works: reality is intelligible, and originates our thinking. From this perspective, any research that tries to reach the truth is determined by the real, not the contrary. Moreover, interdisciplinarity, far from being a solipsistic enterprise, aims at achieving truth and guaranteeing scientific advancement. Here, we analyze the distinctive character of Rosminian encyclopedism and his principles (...)
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  32. Paradox of Rape in Horror Movies.Lucia Schwarz - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (4):671-686.
    In this paper, I identify and provide an explanation for a heretofore unrecognized puzzle in feminist aesthetics and the philosophy of horror. Many horror movie fans have an aversion to rape scenes. This is puzzling because genre fans are not equally bothered by the depiction of other types of violence and cruelty. I argue that we can make sense of this selective aversion by appeal to the notion of ‘distance’, which philosophers of horror use to explain why people are attracted (...)
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  33. The limitations of a purely enactive (non-representational) account of imagery.Lucia Foglia & Rick Grush - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (5-6):35 - 43.
    Enaction, as put forward by Varela and defended by other thinkers (notably Alva Noë, 2004; Susan Hurley, 2006; and Kevin O’Regan, 1992), departs from traditional accounts that treat mental processes (like perception, reasoning, and action) as discrete, independent processes that are causally related in a sequen- tial fashion. According to the main claim of the enactive approach, which Thompson seems to fully endorse, perceptual awareness is taken to be a skill-based activity. Our perceptual contact with the world, according to the (...)
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    The German Ethical Culture Scale : Development and First Construct Testing.Carmen Tanner, Katharina Gangl & Nicole Witt - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)An empirical analysis of the demand of spanish religious groups and charities for socially responsible investments.Carmen Valor & Marta de la Cuesta - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (2):175–190.
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    Apuleius and the Square of Opposition.Carmen Johanson & David Londey - 1984 - Phronesis 29 (2):165-173.
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    From shapes and movements to objects and actions.Lucia Vaina - 1983 - Synthese 54 (January):3-36.
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    The Effect of User Psychology on the Content of Social Media Posts: Originality and Transitions Matter.Lucia Lushi Chen, Walid Magdy & Maria K. Wolters - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The evolution of self-medication behaviour in mammals.Lucia C. Neco, Eric S. Abelson, Asia Brown, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz & Daniel T. Blumstein - 2019 - Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2019 (blz117):1-6.
    Self-medication behaviour is the use of natural materials or chemical substances to manipulate behaviour or alter the body’s response to parasites or pathogens. Self-medication can be preventive, performed before an individual becomes infected or diseased, and/or therapeutic, performed after an individual becomes infected or diseased. We summarized all available reports of self-medication in mammals and reconstructed its evolution. We found that reports of self-medication were restricted to eutherian mammals and evolved at least four times independently. Self-medication was most commonly reported (...)
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    (2 other versions)CSR development in post-communist economies: employees' expectations regarding corporate socially responsible behaviour – the case of Romania.Carmen Stoian & Rodica Milena Zaharia - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (4):380-401.
    Drawing on stakeholder theory and the evolutionary approach to institutions, this paper investigates the channels through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) is developed in post-communist economies by focusing on the employee background factors that shape the employees' expectations with regard to corporate socially responsible behaviour. We identify three channels through which exogenous and endogenous CSR are developed: employees with work experience in multinational enterprises (MNEs) (leading to exogenous CSR), employees with CSR knowledge (leading to exogenous CSR) and employees with experience (...)
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  41. White Utopias: The Religious Exoticism of Transformational Festivals.Amanda J. Lucia - unknown
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    The Influence of Knowledge and Motivation on Sustainable Label Use.Carmen Valor, Isabel Carrero & Raquel Redondo - 2014 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 27 (4):591-607.
    Sustainable labels are considered the best way for consumers to identify brands with environmental or social attributes on the shelves, and therefore promoted as a means to develop the so-called “ethical markets”. However, little is known about how consumers use these brands. This paper tries to offer complementary theoretical insights on the determinants of sustainable label use by drawing on the economic model of information search; in particular, it examines the influence of two factors on the purchase of such labels: (...)
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    Jane Addams: origen del Trabajo social antiopresivo y reformista.Carmen Verde Diego - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Jane Addams ha sido considerada una de las personas más importantes e influyentes en la historia de los Estados Unidos y esta categorización, en especial para una mujer nacida en el siglo XIX, nos incita a pensar en una personalidad apasionante. Ahondar en la vida y obra de esta mujer no defrauda, aunque dificulta ofrecer una imagen completa – si eso fuese posible – de su poliédrica figura. En este artículo esbozamos algunos rasgos biográficos de Jane Addams en el contexto (...)
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    Framing and reframing the environmental risks and economic benefits of ethanol production in Iowa.Carmen Bain & Theresa Selfa - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):351-364.
    Recent research exposing environmental and social externalities of biofuels has undermined the earlier national consensus that they would provide climate mitigation and rural development benefits, but support for ethanol remains strong in Iowa. The objective of this paper is to understand how stakeholder groups in Iowa have framed the benefits and risks associated with ethanol’s impact on the local economy and environment. Our case study draws on in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted with key informants from agricultural organizations, environmental organizations, and government (...)
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    Non-GMO vs organic labels: purity or process guarantees in a GMO contaminated landscape.Carmen Bain & Theresa Selfa - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (4):805-818.
    Since 2010, demand for non-GMO food products has grown dramatically. Two non-GMO labels dominate the market: USDA Organic and the Non-GMO Project Verified. However, the non-GMO status of Organic is not obvious from the label and many consumers are unaware of this. As sales of products carrying the Project’s non-GMO label have exploded, concern has increased among some Organic proponents that demand for non-GMO threatens the organic market. In response, both sides are seeking to build legitimacy and authority for their (...)
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    Error Theory and Abolitionist Ethics.Lucia Schwarz - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (3):431-455.
    Here is a prima facie plausible view: since the metaethical error theory says that all positive moral claims are false, it makes no sense for error theorists to engage in normative ethics. After all, normative ethics tries to identify what is right or wrong (and why), but the error theory implies that nothing is ever right or wrong. One way for error theorists to push back is to argue for “concept preservationism,” that is, the view that even though our ordinary (...)
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    Questioning the boundary between “Us” and “Them” with Waldenfels and Derrida.Lucia Angelino - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (2):185-207.
    Between what we call “us” and what we call “them”, a line must be drawn, which immediately becomes a contentious border, or a divide, that brings to the fore who “we” are, and that consigns to the background, or to the margin, those people who do not count as “us”. Wherever this border is traced — whether along the lines of existing nation-states, racial or linguistic communities, or political affiliations — the resulting potential for antagonism leads to both internal social (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship: Towards Corporate Accountability.Carmen Valor - 2005 - Business and Society Review 110 (2):191-212.
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  49. Justicia para ciudadanos y extranjeros (10th edition).Lucia Bissoli - 2023 - Rosmini Studies 10:53-64.
    Considering Rosmini’s political works in comparison with his metaphysical and anthropological essays, and starting from Rosmini's project of a code of law that, in the author’s opinion, can guarantee fundamental human rights, this article discusses the concept of justice between citizens and outsiders. Its first part is an analysis of Rosmini’s juridical fundaments, which takes into account also some objections historically moved against it. Its second part examines some specific cases of conflicts between outsiders and the members of civil society, (...)
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    Relationship of business and ngos: An empirical analysis of strategies and mediators of their private relationship.Carmen Valor & Amparo MerinoDiego - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (2):110-126.
    Managing the relationship with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) is a key capability for most companies, because dialogue with stakeholders is a requested feature of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This paper analyses the relationship between businesses and NGOs in Spain. By applying grounded theory, the authors summarize this relationship in the dynamics of conflict and cooperation. NGOs' strategies vis-à-vis companies are categorized and the variables explaining different approaches on both companies' and NGOs' side are examined. The paper concludes by placing the private (...)
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